
IONOS-DX for digital twin technologies

After the first 12 months of the project, a new milestone has been reached. Our article has been accepted for publication at the IEEE Global Internet (GI) Symposium 2024.

In the meanwhile, we are proposing a new architecture that takes into account the impact of measurements on a real system. We will further study how this impact can be quantified and/or mitigated.


July 2023 – Presentation at the Lincs workshop

At the beginning of 2023 we received our first round of funding. In this period, three actions have been taken :

  • We bought some equipment (low-power devices, switches).
  • June Pio Jung (Ajou University, Korea) will start a 6-month internship in June.
  • Weichen Tao will start a 3-year Ph.D. in June.

We will present our early-stage results during the 2023 Lincs annual workshop.


Project IONOS-DX: starting March 2023

I have been selected for the ANR – JCJC grant (Young researcher grant). I will be working in collaboration with multiple institutions both in academia and industry all over Europe. This funding includes hiring possibilities for a  Ph.D. student, a post-doctoral researcher and some internship positions. Stay tuned.